2019 Roberts Reunion Details

Reunion Expansion

By Tommy Roberts - 23 May 2019


This year's reunion will be an expansion from previous reunions.  For the past 25 plus years, we have annually celebrated the Descendants of Joseph Roberts Reunion.  After 40 years of research, we still don't know who Joseph's daddy is.  But, thanks to DNA science, we are getting closer.  Through Y-DNA testing we have established several lines of Roberts that have a common Roberts ancestor.  There is an 88-99% chance that six of these lines are connected to a common ancestor by the 8th generation.  So, to promote research and family ties, this year's reunion is expanded to include all six of these lines.  We will henceforth call it the Roberts Reunion. 

On 31 May 19 at 11 a.m. we will have a seminar on these six lines and what we have learned through the DNA tests.  This is just a part of the reunion activities on Friday before our big potluck on Saturday.  I hope you can make the Friday events as well as Saturday.  I know, I know, some of you still have jobs.  :o)  Still, hope you can make it.

The six lines we are looking at are:

1.  My line (Tommy Roberts) back to Joseph Roberts of Mine Lick Creek, now Putnam County, Tennessee.

2.  Jerry Roberts line back to William Roberts of Walnut Grove community in White County, Tennessee.  I think Jerry and cousin, Amanda, might be in attendance from this line

3.  Roy Roberts line back to John Roberts of Rowan County, North Carolina who migrated through Giles County, Tennessee to Lawrence County, Alabama.  Roy and family will be in attendance coming from Maine.

4.  Teddy and Les Roberts (father/son) line back to Israel Roberts who was born in Buncombe County, North Carolina and migrated to Cherokee County, North Carolina.  I have not heard from Teddy or Les regarding their attendance.  Les lives near Baltimore, Maryland.

5.  Michael Roberts line back to James Roberts or Rockcastle County, Kentucky.  Michael, wife, and Aunt Peggy from in and around Louisville, Kentucky plan to be in attendance from this line.

6.  Darrel Roberts line back to William Roberts of Wayne County, Kentucky.  I have not heard from Darrel regarding his attendance.  He lives in Rome, Georgia.

We are excited that we will have some attendance from these other lines at our reunion.  So, everyone, come on out and get better acquainted with your family and your heritage.

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