Stewart Cemetery News

Recently, the following Stewart Cemetery news was sent out and thought some might be interested.  We do have Roberts family members buried in the Stewart Cemetery.



Stewart Cemetery

 C/o 5510 Dow Huddleston Rd.

 Cookeville, TN  38506



July 7, 2023

Dear Friends and Family;

This letter is being written on behalf of the Board of Directors of the Stewart Cemetery to update you and give you information about the Cemetery. 

Our Board members are Linda Burgess, Paulette West, Annette Maynard, Roy Stewart and Debbie Aaron-Greene.   Anyone wishing to serve would be welcomed as we lose Board members as terms expire.

Each year Decoration is held on the 3rd Sunday in September at 2:00 p.m.  Last year at Decoration we collected $1,364.00.  We appreciate these donations along with any donations that are faithfully sent in throughout the year.  Mail in donations may be sent to the above address in the name of Stewart Cemetery.  Any and all donations are VERY much appreciated. Our mowing costs remain at $250.00 per mow.  To date we have incurred $1,750.00 in mowing costs

In 1999, recognizing that the cemetery is nearly full, the Board passed an amendment to the bylaws which limits burial rights to only those persons having a relative or descendent now buried at this cemetery.  We have a few grave markers that are beginning to deteriorate or “lean” due to their age and the ground “shifting”.  Family members of those markers might need to consider making the necessary repairs as to keep these markers from completely falling over or experiencing severe damage over time.  This is the responsibility of the family as we are a “family cemetery” and have no financial ability to repair these markers.  A reminder that all graves must be cleaned off after funeral services as we do not have a maintenance staff. 

We are still compiling an e-mail list, so if you would like to put your name and address on our list, please send a note with your name and e-mail address to us.  Again, this list, of course, would not be shared and would only be accessed by the Board. 

We are looking for increased presence at Decoration as attendance continues to decline.  Please let us know of any ideas you may have to encourage folks to attend.  We would love to have a crowd.  If you have family members who need to be added to our mailing list, please provide the information to me in order that I may make the additions.  Also, this year we would like for you to share your connection to the cemetery with folks.  So, if you wish to do so, please plan on about 5 minutes to share this connection with our group. Also, if you have any pictures or other memorabilia we will have a table set up for display.  

Once again, we look forward to seeing you at Decoration. Remember to bring chairs.  Bring a family member!!!  Bring 2!!


Debbie Aaron-Greene, Board Member


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