2022 Roberts Reunion Details

Hope you are looking forward to the Roberts Reunion 2022 being held 3-4 June 2022!  We have several events that we hope you will try and attend.  I have provided some details and a flyer for you to have.  We only send out information via email and internet...so if you have a family member that doesn't "do email", please print them out a flyer and ensure they are invited. 

3 June 

-  We are continuing to work on our Roberts Heritage Quilt.  We have the quilt stretched onto a beautiful quilting frame that Walter Roberts' granddaughter, Vicki Swank, donated.  It continues to be available at the Heritage House to come over and do some quilting...just coordinate a time with me you would like to work on it.  Because it takes a lot of work, I have scheduled some quilting time in conjunction with the reunion activities.  No skills necessary.  Karen Watts has been kind enough to provide help along this quilting journey. 

- The Roberts family has interesting ancestors with wonderful lives that should be explored and not forgotten.  We thought it might be nice to focus on one of Joseph Roberts' children at each reunion.  I have chosen to speak on John Harrison Roberts at this year's reunion.  If you are a descendant of John Harrison, I would REALLY love to hear any information, stories, pictures, etc. that you may have on John...please just reach out to me and we can talk!  I hope to have you in attendance at the Friday presentation too.  John Harrison Roberts is an interesting man and I have enjoyed researching him.  I think all will love hearing about his life, the events and people that shaped him!  

- We are happy to report that there are several men who have taken the detailed Y-DNA test that has provided us with some exciting Roberts discoveries.  Roy Roberts will be sharing what we have learned in light of these DNA tests...this presentation is not a study of DNA, instead Roy will be laying out the possibilities for the different Roberts line...including ours! 

- To cap off our Friday events, we will be hosting an informal meal with music.  You don't need to bring anything but yourselves and enjoy live music from family members and friends.  

We have three performers signed up already.  Craig Herron from Utah, Nita Lancaster from Oklahoma, and Bill Milligan from Florida.  After that, we’ll probably just do an “open mike” event where any of you who are so inclined may join in.  Let me know if you have a definite interest.  I’m trying to get my dad to do some rap songs, but he is resisting.  ?? 

Craig Herron (gr gr gr grandson of Joseph Roberts) will kick off the evening by performing some of his favorite songs...I have seen him perform his music on video and you will really enjoy his talents!  For a little preview you can watch him at https://youtu.be/8c_WBNeNhYc.   

Nita (Lancaster) Bryan (gr gr gr granddaughter of Joseph Roberts) will be our gospel singer for the evening.  Nita’s grandparents migrated from Roberts Switch area to Oklahoma in 1909-1910.  Nita has spent most of her life there, particularly in Pontotoc County where we have lots of relatives.  We had an audio of her performance but Tommy isn't smart enough to upload it to this website.  Sorry! 

Bill Milligan grew up as a chicken farmer in northeast Georgia.  He left home looking for the “better life”, joined the Air Force where my family became friends with him.   After a very successful Air Force career, he has retired to The Villages in Florida and uses his musical talents to give back to veterans.  His stage name is “Cowboy Bill”.  If you love country and western music, you will really enjoy Bill!  Check him out at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zzmc_WDhHus. 

If you have some musical talent and are willing to perform at our Friday night dinner, please let me know and we will add you to our list of performers. 

4 June 

- The Joseph Roberts Cemetery Decoration will be held at 10 AM.  We will not be leading a convoy to the cemetery...simply meet us at the cemetery to honor those buried there.  The road is in excellent condition, but it has a new coat of somewhat loose gravel.  Probably best if you have a front wheel or all-wheel drive vehicle.  There will be no other cemetery tours in conjunction with this year's reunion.  I have attached the self-guided tour if you want to explore yourself. 

- I am sure everyone will look forward to our potluck.  Drinks will be provided.  Please bring your dish and join us for food and fellowship.  We will have our cornhole tournament where Phil Loftis is going for a three-peat and is our undefeated champion.  This year we will have a trivia game that should be fun and enlightening.  We will also give a prize for the oldest, youngest and furthest traveled:-) 

Please feel free to contact me with any questions or thoughts.  You can get all the Roberts Switch and reunion news at http://robertsswitchtennessee.antiquetrail.com/.   

If you are willing to be a volunteer to make our reunion the best ever, just let me know...I would love the help. 


Angela Stout

(334) 430-9309

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